Sunday, March 2, 2008


This weekend has been fabulous! John got us to a hotel in LA Century City. Very very nice room with a balcony. Last night we also went to dinner at La Dolce Vita as frequented by Frank Sinatra. It was renovated recently but it is Still small and cozy, While we waited for our table, the bartender give us glasses of champagne. since I don't drink, l had a sip for posterity and John gladly relieved me of-my glass after a while. He actually succeeded in making me look like the boozer! Anyway, we got to sit at the bar after sometime which was a relict because there is a very small waiting area so you set to rub tummies with the exiting guests. Not much fun when they are older guys with beer bellies! The best part of that was getting to hug my husband repeatedly under the guise of getting away from said older guys.

We were finally seated and looked through the menu. We had baked oysters and baked goat cheese. Both were divine. Then we move on to entrees and l had bowtie pasta with sausage and spinach and John had calf's liver with spinach. John enjoyed his meal so much that he moaned with pleasure and practically stopped talking to me! How rude! I was enjoying my meal just as much since l can count the number of times I have eaten pasta in the past 6-12 months on one hand!

Next was desert which l tried in vain to resist -- I don't know why I even tried. We shared the ricotta cheesecake. I need to pause and remember the moment when that delicious confection touched my tongue. OMG! the forgot how fattening it was and all those skinny witches in my head screaming at how much just set is back up my diet and walking scheme but shut them all up by having them convulse in pleasure with bite after exquisite bite. Yeah, they were really quiet. In my defense, John and l shared which is marginally better than eating it all on my own. Also, before that, we walked a mile to the restaurant. I rest my case.

Enough Justification. It was great and even the decaf coffee was delectable. I am still not sure if it was b-day induced bliss or if it was really the food. No matter it was all good. We asked for the restaurant to call us a taxi. After 10-15 minutes of waiting it still had not come(busy night in LA I guess) so we decided to walk back to the hotel. Before we got to the end of the block I hailed a taxi which was a relief because l did not want to walk back and with a pleasantly tipsy husband on my hands, l was not sure how far we would make it anyhow. When we got to the hotel there seemed to be a huge party at the bar. All these youngsters having a blast. I officially qualify as grandma or at least starting training for my grandma years so l was not enticed to go.

Not too long after that l was passed out. But I must say l was not doing too poorly because l was out past midnight. My little sister would be proud. She did laugh earlier today when l said my party days were over. This weekend was a small exception because we went out every night and l must say it was fun!

All said, it was a blast of a birthday weekend and intend to carry it through the month as I started to do a few years back. It is a lot more entertaining than having only one day. Stay tuned for more birthday month adventures!

1 comment:

TK said...

Century City? You must have been very close to "The Remington Steele" buildings (i.e., the 2 triangular twin towers). I hope that you made a pilgrimage. - Tati K
