Thursday, December 13, 2007

Cultural Anthropology Final

After database marketing conferencing in Las Vegas and using none of my time wisely since Sunday, John and I came home last night. I had an ambitious plan: eat dinner, finish my self assessment (by midnight), and really study for the final. We landed at John Wayne airport at 8:30pm so I had at most 3 hours to accomplish the first 2 items. First: dinner.

John said he was starving, I on the other hand was not hungry but had a craving for the most evil thing on earth nachos. Closest Mexican food chain: Rubios. I got a nachos grande with chicken John had the burrito supreme. Between the carbo load, the beans, the cheese, and the guacamole I am sleepy but I press on. We get home at about 10pm and I immediately retire upstairs to the "office" to get cracking.

Would you know I submitted my self assessment for work at 11:59pm! Cutting it a little close -- it was due on the 12th and by God I was going to deliver it on the 12th even if it was a stroke away from the 13th!

Next task: study for anthropology. Topics for final are: world systems, region and magic, globalization and colonialism, and politico-economic organization. The best way to study on short notice is to rewrite your notes in sound bites at least in my case. I did that till 1am and tried to read more and finally gave up the fight by succumbing to eyelid cinema somewhere around 2am.

By the way, last Saturday, for extra credit, we had to turn in 10 five option questions with a maximum of 2 true or false questions in the mix.

Fast forward to this morning. Alarm rings at 7am and I jump out of bed as I normally do. I put the alarm on because there was no way I was going to wake up unassisted this morning! If I were to try my normal method of rise and shine I will be rushing to class at the last minute to see the prof close the door and walk away. Well, washed my face threw on some jeans and a sweater kissed John good morning and rush out the door.

The other thing to keep in mind is since I could not take the class with my group on Tuesday because I was out of town for the conference I asked if I could take it with his 8am class at a different campus I have never been to. So, I am bleary eyed, no decaf drinks, new campus, and a final on my mind.

With some pre-planning last night I have a map of the campus, I take Maude (the GPS), and my determination and we find the campus and building and room with few issues. Final starts at 8am or really 8:05am for quorum gathering and we are off to the races. I try hard to be the last person to leave by checking the answers I stumbled on and checking my whole test. I was the 3rd to last to leave -- I tell him it was a pleasure and shake Dr. Davidson's hand and at 8:50pm. I am calling John who is on the way to the airport to fly to New Orleans to make a presentation at a conference. He is stunned it is over so quickly.

With questions about imitative religion, mana (the impersonal force that exists everywhere, shamans, the evil of world systems, revitalization movement, cults, liberalism and neo liberalism, white man's burden, etc there is only so much you can check your test. I have done my part now it is time for the grading machine to do its part!
Here is a testament that I was in Orange Coast College this morning.

Next challenge: hand in a 3rd of a movie (30 pages) for screen writing class tonight!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Cultural Anthropology Test 3 (I am so hosed!)

It has been a while but with flying all over the place and trying to get my s*** together in class i have not had time to write. Now for updates.

Sorry I have taken to using some foul language lately because my days have been hectic with huge question marks trailing them when it is time for bed.

Well, two weeks ago on Tuesday it was about 4 pm and I thought I should get in some studying because with this every other week thing I may be having a test in Cultural Anthropology and not know it. I studied fiercely for about an hour and a half and got bored and convinced myself Dr. Davidson would not give a test but there was still this nagging feeling.

Class is at 6:35pm so I got myself gussied up and went to class. Gussied up is loosely used here because my hair is in serious need of some work. Anyhow, I went on to class and guess what he gave a test! He gave a test! I could not believe it! This is the second time that has happened. The first test took me by surprise but that was entirely my fault. The second test I knew I was going to be away for and I knew I could take it during the next class on top of that it was delayed a week because we had not covered enough material. Good for me.

The 3rd test actually walked up and backhanded me. I am not one of those who takes a test in 30 minutes. I take my time, go through once answer what I can and mark the ones that are confusing keeping mental note that other questions might help me, then go over the test once more to make sure I am confident of my first answer (I may not be the best contestant for that Regis game show that asks "is that your final answer?" Hell no!) Then I fill in the answers that were undone on my first pass and do a third pass. If you understand where I am going you can also understand that GMAT was not my favorite exam -- less than a minute per question! I was in makeshift hell!

I was the last to leave. It was the prof and I about 50 minutes later with a good 5 to 7 minutes after the last person left. And, to top it off I was not happy with my studying. To be fair it saved me because if I had not studied I would really be toast. Dr. Davidson was pacing the front of the room reading a book and I could tell he was ready for me to be done with it. When I was satisfied I handed it in and bid him a good night.

I slowly walked to my car, opened it up and sat in it and started going over my answers and the material in my mind and in my notes. I was lucky if I was going to make a C this time. I remember being upset about making a 75 on the first test -- it has been a looooong time since I made a C on anything! The next test I fared better -- I made an 85. Yay! I could shore up that C. The 3rd one though, would surely bring my whole grade down to a C.

Now you are probably wondering if I am taking the class for a grade. The stupid thing is I am not. It is a credit/no credit class which was my only option because I could not audit the thing. In that case, why am I so obsessed about making more than a C in a class where I will not be receiving a grade? Well, it is a matter of pride and I am mad at myself for not being able to study. I counted all the questions I thought I did not get and the possible halo effect (because some of the questions are linked) and I was nearly ill. What a nightmare! I stopped counting started up the car, drove to Ralph's to buy groceries, and proceeded to tear up my kitchen with my annoyance.

As an aside, I totally have this "like water for chocolate" thing going when it comes to cooking sometimes. I am happy I cook, I am angry I cook, I am in love I cook, and when I am in hate I cook. I was somewhere in between annoyance and anger. When John came home at 11pm, about 2 hours after I got home, there was a spread waiting for him. He loved it while I was picking at my food thinking about flunking the test, aka getting a D.

Last week I go to class and first thing he does is hand out the tests. I am memorable f you understand without me spelling it out so he gave me my test first. I was scared to look because looking imprints on your brain forever. You know, like those CSI/Bones shows where the first thing the show is a severed head or a mutilated corpse that you really wished you had not seen. Too late! Anyway, I peeked. I saw 60% my heart fell. How do you climb up from a 60? I looked again to be sure. Remember my habit of going over questions 2 and 3 times? I squinted at the grade, you would have thought I was astigmatic or had sunlight in my face. It was 80%, 80%! OMG, I just made it! 80%! I could have jumped up for joy. I was squirming in my seat I was so happy!

He said most people in the class were towards the lower end! How is that possible? He would have to have a bit of a curve. He said his class in OCC was even worse. Goodness! I was just happy I had a grade I was proud of so now that I have a working B going on I just need to figure out how to ace the final!