Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Update on screenwriting class

It has been a crazy few weeks between work, class, and following the Zimbabwe disaster of an election that I have not been able to write. It is no excuse for my loyal readers (all 2 of them who I love dearly).

Well, screen writing class is a bust. I attended the class on 4/3 and Mr. Weber did not show up and did not leave a note to say class had been cancelled. I understood from my class mates that the time before he put on a video and dissapeared and never came back.

While we were witching about his shotty attendance. If you can believe was even worse than last semester, Mr. Carter came in. He happened to be a course evaluator sent by the dean to see what was going on. He caught us in mid-witch mode.

The man has not given us new assignments or given us back the assignments we did hand to him. He has not sent email to say what is up or to tell us that he cannot attend class. I still don't have my script from last semester with corrections. What a pain!

I went to last week's class and can you believe it it was dark in the class room not a soul in sight. Ahhh! About 5-10 minutes of waiting and another guy showed up. He later left and so did I. He did say before he left that Mr. Carter said there was going to be class that night. I guess that did not work out.

during the weekend my hubby and I went to the local B&N for our regular bout of book shopping and ran into a classmate from the class. He mentioned that Mr. Carter was going to teach the class from now on and Mr. Weber was history. He decided to drop the class.

I guess I will be doing that too. It is highly irresponsible to have class attendees lose money or even possibly not be able to graduate because of an unreliable instructor. Humph!

Anyway. My paperwork is on the way.

1 comment:

TK said...

We still expect to see/read a copy of a screenplay ... even for a 30 second vignette. Flaky prof is no excuse. Your loyal audience patiently awaits.

Have you seen this commercial? It is one of my favorites.

If you can't use the link, go to then type [GE Commercial healthcare china].

- Tati K
