Friday, May 4, 2007

Vacuum update (DD)

Well, it has been a a little while and I fell off the blog wagon for a bit but I am back.

I finally got the blasted Dyson wand part in the mail after realizing there was not much I could do with the stair tool. But I digress, wouldn't you know the old Dirt Devil decided to break down when I used it to vacuum. I was giving him a last hurrah before I sent his green behind to goodwill and it make this really suspicious noise which quickly became high pitched. Very worrying.

So, I sat down and took the thing apart to figure out where the noise was coming from. What started off as a simple look-under-the-hood exercise turned out to be a full blown search for the innards of machine. I really took it apart and have the pictures to prove it. It turned out to be a little metal thingy was paying havoc on the motor. An hour later I had put it back together again feeling a little stupid for having spent more time than I should have on a machine I was going to give away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We will make an engineer of you yet!!!
