Saturday, April 5, 2008

Mid Term in Design Class

This week was midterm in design class so I had to step up some of my pieces to present. Very nerve wracking as I was still working on some sketches right up to Tuesday night! I think I still have an A.


Logos (sports footwear)

Fantasy (Dragons -- I love dragons!)
Not the best picture though ...

Designer (Steve Madden)


3-D (this was hard!!)


Going into week 12 it gets a little tougher because we start sketching designer stuff and think about sculpting in foam. Uhhh... I'm hosed.

We have to look at stuff from Eames I can't remember the other guy's name. but there is this block wooden stool by Ray and Charles Eames that I absolutely adore because it reminds me of African wooden stools.

There are a number of other furniture designers at the website: Design Within Reach. Some of the stuff is really really cool.



TK said...

The dragons were particularly impressive, J! Maybe you could consider a second career as a tattoo artist? - Tati K

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