Thursday, February 21, 2008

Frolicking at the Fresh & Easy

The English are coming!!!
The English grocery company, Tesco, opened a grocery store, Fresh and Easy, by the Marshalls down the street on Beach.

Interesting concept the groceries are in small packages. The cool stuff is pre-cooked and packaged in small containers. We got some chicken, pre-cooked potatoes, yellow squash and some other knick knacks.

Since I have been shopping at Albertsons I was feeling like a pro at unassisted check out. Well, I met one self-check out cash register that did not like me at the the Fresh and Easy! The bordering-on-disdainful check out help lady came to see about me twice during my check out process. How embarrassing! I, the lioness of self check, became the cub of self-check.

1 comment:

TK said...

The name of this market makes me giggle. (hee hee) Is it just me?!

- Tati K
