Sunday, January 13, 2008

On the other side & non-resolutions

Well, I must say I made it to the other side. All classes are over, Christmas is done, I have made it through my first week back at work in SF. Yippee! Now what?

So I am weighing my options for the year (really the next 3 months) and not enthused about any of them at the moment but here they are anyway:

1. Take another anthropology or other class. Classes start in 1.5 weeks so I have a little time to decide.

2. Hire that darned housekeeper. I am making progress on the house but what I lack is discipline!

3. I am bored! What kind of cures do they have for that? Not exactly an option but I need to solve for this one quickly.

4. Write the book already! Remember what I mentioned above: discipline? Yeah, that and short attention span ...

5. Screenplay ...? Well, there was this contest to enter a screenwriting competition. May not win but it will get me to finish one ...

6. Start that online business, again discipline ...

7. OK, if the previous two don't work, write something every 2 days.

8. More travel ... ahhh! Now we're talking. I was thinking of Spain, Ireland, and South America this year. Think big.

9. Ask why more often ... why?

10. Lose 5-10 lbs.

11. Resolve to do at least 3-4 things on my list.

I am trying to stay away from actually making resolutions because of my track record of actually sticking to them. Don't look at me sideways! I am sure you do the same. I have not made resolutions in a while which is not productive either you have to have a smidgen of a plan Janet! I know what I want in 5 years I just have not figured out what I should do in the next year. Odd isn't it?

They say small steps are the start of a grand design. Hmmm, I don't think those people have met me.

I am sure you will have suggestions on how to proceed. In the mean time, today much to Lillian's delight, I resolved to big hair!

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