Despite the cuss word it is good though. We have lived here for 3 years and no one has ever ever stopped by for Halloween Trick or Treating. So, when John asked me if we needed candy for the day I said "No" with much confidence and like the geek that I am I stated the statistical probability of them stopping by as a big fat Zero as we have had not action since we have been here. Anyway, if you took a lot at my front yard it is Halloween personified -- there is no way the kids would chance coming through my gate with all those leaves I have to sweep away!
Well, guess what happened 15 minutes ago? Three lovely T-or-T'ers dressed in princess outfits and some lovely 1920's fare rang the doorbell twice. In my stupidity I had the fleeting thought it was the UPS man. Don't laugh, he sometimes comes around 6pm (even though I am pretty certain neither one of us has been feeding amazon.com any money lately)!
Just my luck I was wearing queen regalia this evening by way of African boubou -- at least I looked graceful sweeping down the stairs. I looked through the glass. Children! I open the door and 3 voices sing "trick or treat!" I sing back at them but my mind is reeling now I have to find candy! I excuse myself leaving the door open and rush to the kitchen.
I open the pantry door. Ahh chocolate -- but i can't give them my beloved Cadbury's! I just about broke my back bringing it over from England. But the little one is so cute I will give her some. Ooh ooh! A package of See's candy! jackpot! Need to open and make sure it is still good -- it is! Then a little package of kisses! Thanks God we don't eat all of our candy!
I make it back to the door like a queen bearing gifts. Cadbury's for the little one, See's candy for the middle girl (who wanted to dig in right away), and kisses for the oldest girl. There was some debate between the oldest 2 on how to divvy up the loot with the little one asking for a share of everything. How cute.
Once it was all settle, they sang "Happy Halloween!!" to me which I reciprocated in kind. Everyone was happy and they were off to the next unsuspecting adult.
Sign of relief! I guess next time I will actually buy candy for the occasion or maybe take everyone else's hint and leave the porch light off but what would be the fun in that?
Well, guess what happened 15 minutes ago? Three lovely T-or-T'ers dressed in princess outfits and some lovely 1920's fare rang the doorbell twice. In my stupidity I had the fleeting thought it was the UPS man. Don't laugh, he sometimes comes around 6pm (even though I am pretty certain neither one of us has been feeding amazon.com any money lately)!
Just my luck I was wearing queen regalia this evening by way of African boubou -- at least I looked graceful sweeping down the stairs. I looked through the glass. Children! I open the door and 3 voices sing "trick or treat!" I sing back at them but my mind is reeling now I have to find candy! I excuse myself leaving the door open and rush to the kitchen.
I open the pantry door. Ahh chocolate -- but i can't give them my beloved Cadbury's! I just about broke my back bringing it over from England. But the little one is so cute I will give her some. Ooh ooh! A package of See's candy! jackpot! Need to open and make sure it is still good -- it is! Then a little package of kisses! Thanks God we don't eat all of our candy!
I make it back to the door like a queen bearing gifts. Cadbury's for the little one, See's candy for the middle girl (who wanted to dig in right away), and kisses for the oldest girl. There was some debate between the oldest 2 on how to divvy up the loot with the little one asking for a share of everything. How cute.
Once it was all settle, they sang "Happy Halloween!!" to me which I reciprocated in kind. Everyone was happy and they were off to the next unsuspecting adult.
Sign of relief! I guess next time I will actually buy candy for the occasion or maybe take everyone else's hint and leave the porch light off but what would be the fun in that?

How lovely!
What a surprise that must have been for you! I used to keep a small bag handy a long time ago, but after 12 years without a single t-o-t-er, I stopped bothering. Maybe I can keep a cache of low-fat, macrobiotic candies on hand for next year - just in case!
- Tati K
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