Much to my friends dismay I'm sure my Louisiana license expired on my birthday this year. I was dreading the driving test (and the written) so I have been putting it off for a while. Well, we are at the point that the old LA license is burning a hole in my wallet -- especially since I have to carry two licenses. My recently expired one indicates valid without photo. When I get the uncomprehending frown I usually produce my really old one that expired 4 years prior.
I know that the license represents my last tie to New Orleans a city I came of age in and will always be very dear to my heart. But, it is time for that license with the address of my last home to leave my wallet.
I had a plan. I studied for the test frantically late Thursday night figuring that it was more likely to stay in my head if it was recent. Then hit the DMV the next morning at 8am when it opened to beat the long lines and try and get in both the written and the driving test done by my next meeting of the day at 1pm. I even filled out my form ahead of time to make sure there were not holdups and had my birth certificate and car insurance in an envelop. All set. Now sleep.
8am turned out to be more like 8:25am. I should really have been more like 8:15am but I had my heart set on turning the wrong way on Westminster avenue so I had to do a number of right turns to get back on track. My heart sank when I drove up. The parking lot was full! There were cars already doing the slow cruise waiting for some other happy soul who had already finished their DMV business to leave. Ugh!
The information line was short and that brightened my spirits considerably until I looked at my number G063. G063! That was a lifetime away since they were only on G17 and there were 7 other alphabet numbers (A-H) that were being called simultaneously. Then there is the row of dejected looking people that look up at you with a knowing glance that says plainly "this is the DMV what did you expect"?
I climb over some people to get to a seat. I never seem to choose one that is easy to get to. I'm sure some psychologist would have a field day with that one. Now we wait and we wait and we wait. After about 45 minutes of waiting my number gets called. I was just about to start getting bitter because some girls who came after me had just had their number called. Not happy at this point.
All is well, my number got called. Yippee! I bounce up to the counter and sing my hellos and turn on my serious face. He takes my form -- he has no changes. He looks at my birth certificate and my old license. You know it, I got the frown again. I whipped out the old one and that settled matters once again. He searched for my old license just to make sure I was not an impostor and finally asks me to sign the form and pay. What held up the process is I gave him a $100 bill and he had to go find change (the cost was $28). Ok, so far so good and I finally got to break that bill I had been carrying around in my wallet for months!
I know I am stupid like this but I worry about things. For example, I was not sure if they might find some traffic violation on my record that I conveniently forgot. Or maybe something really horrible like someone stole my identity and did bad things and I get to find out at the DMV when they call security to haul me away to jail. What is it about government offices that sometimes makes you feel that way?
Next stop was the camera! Oh no! I had not expected to be actually taking a picture this morning. I need a quick fix So, I reached into my purse and produced lip gloss and a lining pencil (Lillian would be so proud) and went about making one thing on my face picture worthy. I was concentrating on this task and hoping there was a long enough line in front of me so I could do it justice when the guy behind me said I was breaking DMV tradition didn't I know that it would turn out to be a horrible picture anyway?
Deep breath. Look here buster! I have to show that picture of me to every clerk and security officer from here to Timbuktu for the next 4 years I'll be damned if it isn't at least a decent picture! When all that played in my head my smiling answer was my last one was a mug shot so I wanted this one to be better.
It was finally my turn. A signature, thumb print, and a smile later my picture was taken and it was off to take the written test. I was sure by this time I had forgotten all I had read the night before. About another 15 -20 minutes later I was done after second guessing myself on a number of answers. I missed 5 out of 36. I was allowed to miss 6 as a first time CA license holder. I even got my test back when I asked politely. My license will come in the mail shortly ma'am and until then this slip of paper will be your license until 10/15. It was nice doing business with you. But can I use this to rent a car. Well ma'am that's up to them. With that I was thrust back out into the sunshine. No driving test required and no expired license fines. Unreal!
I was home at 10:20am (2 hours from when I got to the DMV!) and that included a celebratory stop at the McDonald's drive through because I was starving. It is amazing what DMV does for the appetite!
I am finally a California license holder! Yay! (now I can give my passport a rest)