Gas! And, This is actually reasonable!
An elderly guy was driving this car.

This was just plain odd so I had to get a picture. A farm in the middle of residential and commercial alley. It is a stone throw from Ikea!
Janet's blog about Orange County living. Daily life can be interesting and fraught with challenges, laughs, and just plain old craziness. We aim to navigate with grace and humor. There is drama and excitement in small things.
The waterfall
The Stone Garden
Tai Chi in YB Gardens
Waltzing in the gardens
Water Elements
Not a single car in the South Coast Plaza Parking lot and valet is cordoned off!
So we go for a drive which is always good. Later on in the evening I go for a 10 mile walk to help manage the calories I ate at brunch. I can't get over that we live here and I can walk to the Ocean and watch the sunset. John ran to the Huntington Beach pier to meet me and we had dinner at Savannah. I am so bummed that my favorite restaurant on the water, Chimayo, got replaced by Savannah. The food is pretty much the same (probably did not want to lose loyal customers). I am sooo bummed!!
Just cruising in my unbelievable cool car.
The Irvine Hills
Highway 1
What the hell are those?
The jerk who pulled out in front of us without signaling.
My favorite favorite breakfast brunch place: Side Street Cafe in Costa Mesa.
If you have ever tried parking at South Coast Plaza you will understand why I had to take a picture of this incredible parking spot mere yards from the door of the mall!
Sunglasses shopping in the Macy's men's store.
Uh.... No!
My husbands euro cool shoes that I sometimes like.
Today is my Dad's birthday and I am spending my time waiting for the termite guy. This whole sordid story started with the whole complex getting a termite inspection. We were told to wait at home on a Saturday for the guy to show up and inspect. I waited and waited and waited.
Later we gave the association a call everyone was not in so we finally broke down and called the association's emergency number. The lady who answered the phone said we might be the house that did not have any termite damage. Well, how can that be since they never inspected?
We arranged for them to come again and look. Lo an behold we weren't that lucky it is termite season in Huntington Beach and our house is fodder! Ugh! The guy even crawled up into the attic. Don't get too excited when we say attic we mean a place you get to through our bedroom closet with a crawl space of about 2-3 feet high.
The good news is we have plenty of company in the complex. He is coming back today to drill holes in the garage and atrium and pour some termite annihilation chemical into the holes.
One of our to-dos apart from wait for the door bell to ring is move all the boxes we have in the garage 2 feet away from the wall. So, after having dinner at my favorite Japanese restaurant last night (MiMi Sushi) we started moving.
The last folks who owned our condo left a stack of 4 jeep tires in the garage. Never moved them because they are a good way to stop from hitting the garage wall. I found out how heavy those suckers can be!
Now we look like everyone else with their cars in the outside parking spaces and their garages full of crap! My personal pet peeve.
All of our little possessions. The garage has never been so clean!
The highlight of the event was we were moving one of the old book boxes from London and the bottom came way to reveal a termite mess. The little boogers had been eating away at the bottom of the box so we had to repackage. John, my darling husband, spent most of his time reminiscing about stuff in the box. Get on with it buddy we gots work to do!
Anyway, we are all done and now we wait wait wait for the termite man.
We are afterall in LA so the gas prices are HIGH! $3.59 a gallon for regular!
Did you know there were UFOs in LA?